Amazon Aagain

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Record Cold the Eastern 2/3 of the Nation, huh?

Man caused global climate change took one in the shorts something like the lmnintopq folks wanna give it to us.

So all my east coast friends, and a lot of my mid west friends, you know who you are trout unlimited. Just listen to yourselves, with all of the not saying anything about it.

When you yell that the world is changing, and it’s all my fault. I can make up for it by letting you do whatever you want with money you took from me it’s not all better.

It doesn’t have to be true. All you gotta do is make sure that you make the lie go either way like, if it get’s colder, man caused, if it get wetter, man caused, if it get’s hotter man caused, but for only 30 % of your freedom, and cash, well, we’re good until next time.

Say it isn’t so!

We have the whole entire planet in our hands and what do we do? Have an lmntopodq parade, best day of our lives.

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