Amazon Aagain


If you look at this graph carefully or maybe even in passing you will see that all months have one thing in common. The Average high and average lows are 30° apart each month. Just about anyway. And July is the hottest month who do you love?

Now you might assume by that this means that there is a 30° drop day to day and I assure you there is not.


This page needs work.Littleton Monthly in F

Littleton Avarages with danger boxes

This was made for a slide for a friend of mine and it came out cool. This was not the final slide however, it was the second to last draft. The final is his and has Dec and Jan in the middle instead of on the ends.

Here it is the 18 month version, now we have to add high winds and such to show the really tough times to be out of doors.

Littleton, CO

19.79 mph


20.16 mph


16.93 mph


See how this is coming together?

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